Frequently Asked Questions

Parcel Submission

  • Anyone can submit a parcel. However, if you want to be placed on the developer interest list, you are encouraged to answer some additional questions so we can identify you as a Community Development Partner and stay connected.

  • Yes - you can submit more than one parcel. If you are submitting multiple parcels and are joining the Community Development Partner interest list, please use the same contact information with each parcel submission.

  • To submit a parcel only (via simple, secure online form on the site) you will need to have basic key details about the site and contact information. Click here when you are ready to submit a parcel!

  • Parcels will be evaluated on a rolling basis as they are submitted, until available project funds are committed. Parcels and Community Development Partner information should be submitted by January 31st, 2025 at 5pm pacific time.

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • A parcel can be submitted by a single organization or a team.  However, at this stage, parcel submissions can be recommended by a range of organizations who may not have extensive development experience.  This allows for community-based organizations the chance to suggest sites for acquisition by the Land Bank.  At this stage, the Land Bank is not looking for a particular team capable of developing the site that is suggested.  Later, these sites will be made available for developers through an RFP process.  At that time, bidders must meet certain development experience requirements, which can be met through partnerships between organizations who submitted the site to the Land Bank and a development partner who meets the development experience requirements. 

Parcel Selection

  • The County is focusing on areas at risk of displacement to align with the intention set for the Land Bank Pilot in the June 2022 Council Motion.  There remains an urgent need for affordable housing in the County. Rising costs have led to overcrowding and significant rent burdens, increasing the risk of forced relocations. Displacement can disrupt individual lives and weaken community ties. By increasing the availability of affordable housing in areas at greater risk of displacement, the County seeks to address these challenges and help keep people in their neighborhoods.

  • Significant investments in transportation and large public spaces can raise property costs, potentially increasing the risk of displacement in areas within a walkable distance of such infrastructure developments (Chapple, Loukaitou-Sideris, & Ong, 2017). The County is prioritizing these areas to mitigate displacement risk and ensure residents have access to essential resources, such as quality transit.

  • Effective affordable housing development depends on both strategic site selection and financial feasibility. Local or state funding is essential for covering the gap between what it costs to build new housing, and what project costs are able to be recouped by affordable rents. Qualities that make parcels more competitive for state and local funding also typically make them good candidates for conventional financing sources.

  • The Land Bank Pilot is focused on producing new units of affordable housing. Site-specific RFPs will be released after parcel acquisition. Site-specific RFPs will include more information about populations and affordability levels.

    • If you submit a parcel for consideration, you will see a message acknowledging receipt of your submission. The project team will review all submissions. 

    • If the parcel aligns with the County’s priorities, there is interest in pursuing it for purchase and you are the owner, the project team will reach out to you. 

    • If you submit a parcel alongside Community Development Partner information the project team will reach out to the contact person listed on the submission to confirm you have been added to the interest list.

  • County Board of Supervisors

  • The LA County Board of Supervisors has currently allocated $22 million for Land Bank acquisitions. The project team anticipates recommending 2-3 sites for acquisition, but the number of parcels that will be recommended for purchase is currently unknown.

Post-Parcel Selection

    • The website will be updated when sites are purchased by the County.

    • When a Request for Proposals (RFP) has been released for any site, Community Development Partners will be notified so they have an opportunity to form a qualified team.

  • The Land Bank will negotiate ground lease terms with the site-specific developer. No additional funding, financing, or subsidies will be offered by the Land Bank. Development teams will be responsible for identifying capital sources as part of their site-specific RFP responses.

Virtual Information Session Recording

Click here to view answers to the questions received during the information session.

Have Additional Questions?

Get in touch.