Develop a Parcel

Interested in Developing a Parcel?

Anyone can submit a parcel. If you want to participate in developing the parcel you submit, you are encouraged to answer some additional questions so we can identify you as a Community Development Partner and stay connected.

    • A non-profit or for-profit organization with the capacity and interest to form or join an affordable housing development project team on a site acquired by the Land Bank. 

    • You will receive an email confirming your information has been received.

    • You will be added to the interest list for future Land Bank Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

    • If the County acquires a parcel submitted by a confirmed Community Development Partner, the Community Development Partner will be notified when the site-specific Requests for Proposals (RFPs) are released, so they have an opportunity to form a qualified team.

    • More information about the RFP phase will be released post parcel acquisition in 2025.

    1. Does submitter  have experience acquiring property in LA County? (Yes / No) 

    2. Does submitter  have experience managing property in LA County, either directly or through an established partnership (Yes / No) 

      1. IF YES, which of these best describes your experience level:

        1. Manage 1 property

        2. Manage 2-4 properties

        3. Manage 5-7 properties

        4. Manage more than 7 properties

    3. Does submitter have experience developing affordable housing in LA County? (Yes / No)

      1. IF YES, which of these best describes your experience level: 

        1. Developed 1 property

        2. Developed 2-4 properties

        3. Developed 5-7 properties

        4. Developed more than 7 properties 

    4. Is the submitter representing an incorporated organization  (Yes / No) 

      1. IF YES: Please fill in organization’s name in text box

    5. Has the submitter’s organization been established for at least 5 years? (Yes / No) 

    6. Does the submitter’s organizational leaders have at least 5 years of experience in real estate development (Yes / No) 

    7. Optional additional information:

      1. Provide a brief description of your organization’s real estate development capacity. You may include a description of organizational leaders’ relevant past professional experiences outside of their current organization.  (submit narrative)